The Power of a Handshake

by Joe Carroll

When my kids were growing up, I remember practicing with them how to shake hands. I wanted them to understand that a good handshake is a reflection of the kind of person you are and can set the tone in a relationship.

The way we greet people should reflect how God relates to us.  Consider these four relational characteristics on how we greet people with a handshake that mirrors how God connects with us:

1. Movement Toward a Person: A good handshake requires for us to “move toward the person.”  It demonstrates initiative and erases any gap or distance between us and the other person. This demonstrates how God relates to us. He’s always taking the initiative to get closer to us.

2. Being Open Handed: In ancient times, an extended open hand showed another person they were “weapon free.”  It signified the person could be trusted and there’s no hidden weapon.

There could be no further model of being “open handed” than how God has extended an eternal open hand to us in Christ. So, when we shake hands with another, our mindset our intention is to show that we are “safe” to deal with. We are not there to get an “upper hand” and we have no “secret” agendas.

3. Connecting Through Human Touch:  Touching another person’s skin is very personable and…well, it can be a “touchy” subject. Yet, a handshake is a wonderful way to greet someone to establish or re-establish a relationship. It’s personal.  It’s skin on skin connection but it’s gender safe and demonstrates universal acceptance of every person regardless of personal diversity (race, creed, politics, etc.). 

Christ’s incarnation powerfully demonstrates how much God values human touch. (Philippians 2:8). What more needs to be said?

4. Celebrating Agreement:  Closing a transaction in business is typically commemorated by the shaking of hands. It communicates union and trust. I’ve witnessed and personally experienced how a commitment through a handshake superseded any legal documents. 

We don’t have a second chance to make a good first impression.  So, may the connection and the impression we make in our greetings, reflect the way God greets us!