Stepping Into the Unknown

Over the last six weeks, unknowns have grown. Yet, one thing is known. Tomorrow, you and I will awaken again into a world of “unknowns”. Not one person in the world is unaffected by it.

Unknowns disrupt the human heart. While the unknowns are universal, each person’s response to their unknowns is unique. The disturbing unknown for many is “Will I be ok? Will my family be ok?” For many others the frustrating angst is, “I just wish things could back to ‘normal.’” For the Christ follower, however, living in the realm of the “unknowns” is normal. Has Christ not called us to live by _ _ _ _ _, not by sight. (You fill in the blanks).

I can’t think of one great hero of the faith whose story didn’t involve “stepping into the unknown.”

Seeing beyond the unseen only occurs when God opens the eyes of our heart. I’m not referring to “blind faith” for such a phrase never occurs in the Bible. True faith is never blind. True faith can see…true faith sees from the heart, not from the eyes. True faith sees beyond the unseen.

This is why Paul, writing from the uncertainty of his imprisonment in Rome, would pray for the church at Ephesus for “…the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people…” (Ephesians 1:18)

When God is alive in us, our hearts can see what our eyes cannot. May we regularly remind ourselves in these times of unknown that “God values trust when outcomes are not certain.”

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