How Would You Feel If 10 Million People Watched You Work and Made Comments on Your Performance?

By Joe Carroll

On Sunday morning, April 10th, Scottie Sheffler entered the final day of the prestigious Masters Golf Tournament with an amazingly strong 3-point lead.  His position was envious.  With 10 million people from all over the world scrutinizing his every swing, he admitted later he suffered an anxiety attack that morning.

What Scottie’s wife, Meredith, shared with him that morning was amazing.  She told him, “If you win this golf tournament today, if you lose this golf tournament by 10 shots…

if you never win another golf tournament again she goes, I’m still going to love you, you’re still going to be the same person, Jesus loves you and nothing changes.”

Such encouragement helped Sheffler regain his composure and play for a greater purpose.  He reminded himself that “…my identity isn’t a golf score…All I’m trying to do is glorify God and that’s why I’m here and that’s why I’m in position.”  He goes on to share, “Meredith always prays for peace, because that’s what I want to feel on the golf course is peace and have fun and just feel his presence.  So that’s her prayer every day.  That’s my prayer and I really felt that today.”

I love those prayers.  And while none of us will have 10 million people watching and making comments on our work today, may we “pray for peace, have fun and just feel his presence”.